The Championship Committee shall  serve in an advisory capacity to national championship hosts and make recommendations and decisions that enhance the quality of championship meets. The committee, with the assistance of the USMS National Office staff, shall solicit and receive bid proposals. The committee shall review bid proposals and select sites for national championship meets. The committee shall consist of the committee chair and sufficient members to execute the committee function, including at least three members who have had experience in overseeing a national championship meet and two members without such experience.

Committee Meeting Minutes


Erin Sizelove [email]

Committee Members

Jim Clemmons
David Brancamp
Robert Heath
Cheryl Kupan
Britta O'Leary
Jeffrey Roddin
Sandi Rousseau
Mark Rubacky
Edward Saltzman
Teri White

Ex Officio: Jay Eckert, Onshalee Promchitmart

Executive Committee: Robin Smith, Vice President of Programs

Committee Operating Guidelines

Written guidelines and procedures developed by USMS National Committees with the approval of the USMS Board of Directors for operating processes at the committee level.