Fewer than half of USMS members compete in meets or open water events, but for many who do, competition is the heart and soul of USMS. There are more than 400 local, regional, and national competitions for adult swimmers nationwide each year. These include pool meets, virtual events, and open water swims. Learn more here if you want to sanction an event or add something to our calendar of events.

Top 10s

Times from all pool meets are collected and compiled to determine the USMS Top 10, the ten fastest times in the nation in pool meets sanctioned or recognized by USMS during the current season.

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All Americans and All-Stars

The registered USMS swimmer with the fastest time in the Top 10 in each age group, event, and course plus the age group winners of long distance events are named as All-Americans. The person in each age group who earns the most All-American positions is named to the All-Star team.

Search the All American Listings

Search the All-Star Listings


USMS records for different courses and age groups are available as well.

Search National Pool Records

Search National Long Distance Records