College Club Swimming
Frequently Asked Questions
Here is a helpful guide of terms and definitions for College Club Swimming that may appear in the FAQs.
For additional information and resources, contact College Club or check out the CCS website.
What is College Club Swimming?
What is the relationship with CCS and USMS?
While separate governing structures, CCS is a program of USMS. USMS and the USMS staff provide the infrastructure and manage the administrative operations for the organization, including communication, annual budgeting, liability insurance coverage, event calendar, registration and results database, and championship meet operations and execution.
What is the Bridge Membership?
Does the Bridge Membership give swimmers a USMS registration ID?
What LMSC are CCS members registered in?
What club are CCS members registered with?
Can CCS members train in workouts with a USMS club?
Are bridge members covered by USMS insurance?
Can a CCS member participate in USMS sanctioned events?
Can a Bridge Member transfer to a USMS club to compete in events?
If a CCS swimmer upgrades to a full USMS member can they transfer between clubs?
Yes, subject to USMS club transfer rules 201.3.5 and 201.3.1 (i.e. club affiliation can be changed upon registration and up to 3 additional times during the membership year). CCS swimmers will have just one USMS registration ID. If a USMS Bridge member purchases the standard USMS membership, their bridge members ID will become a standard USMS membership, and they may choose to represent either their Bridge club or USMS club when registering for USMS events.
Can times achieved at a USMS meet transfer to CCS and be eligible for TYR CCS Nationals NQTs?
How do I invite CCS teams to my USMS meet?
Reach out to the club president via email. A list of all registered CCS clubs can be found here. A map of clubs with club contact information can be found here. USMS and CCS clubs are also encouraged to co-host events, which can be mutually beneficial. See CCS-USMS meet video examples here and here as well as the Relay 2024 “Bridging the Generation Gap” presentation slides here. We encourage you to connect with USMS staff to explore best practices and marketing opportunities, and to help in planning your event.
Can a USMS member start a CCS club
No. A CCS club must be affiliated with a university and is locally run by enrolled students, faculty, or staff members of the university. A nearby USMS club may offer assistance/advice such as planning a season, coaching, fundraising ideas, and professional development. USMS can support CCS team creation on college campuses is by using your local networks to encourage friends and contacts with high school and college-age swimmers to make them aware of CCS and have them connect with CCS for more support if they are interested.