Sanction Chairs
Getting Started
The LMSC Sanction Chair is the gatekeeper to ensure that:
Sanctioned or recognized meet plans follow applicable USMS rules;
Meet announcements for sanctioned meets are complete and accurate;
Sanctioned open water event plans follow USMS rules and safety plans are reviewed by the USMS Open Water Coordinator.
Sanctions Chair Resources
We've written an Overview and General Sanction Information document (updated 12/12/2024) for LMSC sanctions chairs that contains good information to ensure a well-run and properly reported competition takes place, as sanctioning and recognizing events are a crucial function of USMS.
Effective Jan. 1, 2025 pool and open water event sanction fees have been eliminated. Refer to the Sanction Fee Grid for more information. If applicable, contact the event director about any local fees associated with hosting a meet within your LMSC.
Why Sanction an Event?
To ensure:
all USMS-sanctioned events follow the same technical, administrative, and safety rules and regulations;
swimmers experience fair races and earn official times eligible for World Aquatics and USMS records and rankings;
sanctioned event hosts are afforded liability insurance coverage.
Sanction and Recognition Guide and Steps
Step 1: Early Meet Planning
- Suggested Timeline
≥ 6 months
Determines event.
Confirms venue.
Submits date request to LMSC.
Confirms meet referee.Advisory Role
4 to 6 months
Drafts Meet Announcement.
Reviews meet announcement
Corrects and confirms as necessary
Answers event host’s questions.Submits online USMS sanction application including upload of meet announcement (usually PDF)
Approves sanction request which generates USMS sanction number and posts event to USMS calendar.
Meet host or sanction chair can add sanction # to the meet announcement and upload the final version to USMS..
After event
Submits meet results and, if applicable, pool measurement paperwork to LMSC Top 10 recorder. (Some LMSCs require pre-sanction confirmation of pool measurements.)
Submits the meet observer report form to LMSC Top 10 recorder (recognized meets only).
Reviews meet with Event Host: focus on successes and areas for improvement
Saves meet paperwork for 2 years (Some LMSCs have paperwork mailed to Top 10 chair)
- Sanctioned, Recognized or Dual-Sanctioned? (see Overview and General Sanction Information document for additional info)
- Sanctioned vs Recognized:
Summary of Differences Between
USMS-Sanctioned and USMS-Recognized EventsUSMS-Sanctioned Event
(pool or open water)USMS-Recognized Event
(pool only)All participants must be current USMS members 202.1
USMS membership not required.
Participants and meet hosts, staff and volunteers covered by USMS liability and participant accident insurance.
No insurance coverage from USMS.
Times swum by USMS members are eligible for:
USMS Top 10 rankings
USMS national records
AQUA Top 10 (SCM and LCM only)
AQUA world records (SCM and LCM only timed finals or prelims only)Times swum by USMS members may be eligible for:
USMS Top 10
USMS national recordsNo USMS observer required.
For times from non-USA Swimming or non-World Aquatics meets to be eligible for USMS records and Top 10 rankings, a designated onsite USMS observer must confirm in writing that the competition complied with relevant USMS rules per 108.2 .See Appendix B for Observer’s Form.
USA Swimming Meets: Automatic recognition; documentation and measurement required:
Times achieved by USMS members at events sanctioned or approved by USA Swimming shall be considered for USMS records and Top 10 rankings without formal application for recognition. An Observer is not required. (article 202.3).
It is the swimmer’s responsibility to submit times and documentation from recognized events (including pool measurement paperwork if required) to the LMSC Top 10 recorder.
LMSC sanction chairs are not allowed to approve recognitions for USA Swimming meets. See “Automatic Recognition of USA Swimming Meets and other USA-S Considerations” in the Overview and General Sanction Information document for additional info.
AQUA member federation meet times shall be considered for USMS national records and Top 10 rankings without formal application for recognition if the USMS member(s) register for the meet as USMS members.
It is the swimmer’s responsibility to submit times and documentation from these meets (including pool measurement forms if applicable) to the LMSC Top 10 Recorder (article 202.3).
Dual Sanctioned Meet: A USMS sanctioned meet held in conjunction with a USA Swimming sanctioned meet in which swimmers from both organizations are competing together in the same sessions.
See “Dual Sanctioned Events (Combined, Parallel, and Interwoven)” in Appendix A of the USMS Rule Book for additional information.
See “Dual Sanctioned Events (USMS & USA Swimming)” in the Overview and General Sanction Information document for additional info.
- Sanctioned vs Recognized:
Pools and Facilities - Before approving a sanction or recognition request, the LMSC sanction chair shall determine whether the pool appears in the USMS list of measured pools and meets the minimum length requirements.
List of USMS measured pools by State and course (SCY, SCM, LCM)
The meet announcement must contain the verbatim text of one of four specific statements describing the competition course (article 108.1.1 A (2)) The four specific course statement options are included the Template Meet Announcement available on this page and on the Running a Meet page.
Timing System: Sanction chairs should verify that the meet host understands the types of timing system and the benefits and requirements of each system.
There are three types of timing systems: Automatic, Semiautomatic and Manual. See article 103.17.1 Timing System Definitions for detailed definitions.
The primary, secondary, and tertiary timing systems determine whether times from the meet may be used for USMS records and/or Top 10. See article 103.17.2 Timing System Designations.
The table at article 103.18.10 shows how times from automatic, semiautomatic, and manual timing systems can or cannot be used for records and Top 10.
The meet announcement must contain the verbatim text of one of four statements describing the meet timing system (article 108.1.1 A (3)). These four options are included in the Template Meet Announcement available on this page and the Running a Meet page.
Step 2: Meet Announcement
Definition: The meet announcement contains all the meet information. Ideally, this is a PDF, accessible to entrants on the web, separate from the meet entry webpage. The meet entry webpage can link to the meet announcement pdf and vice versa.
Requirement for Meet Announcement: Sanction applications from meet or event hosts shall be accompanied by the meet announcement. (article 108.1.1)
Template Meet Announcement: LMSC Standards require that meet announcements for sanctioned meets contain all required elements. A template meet announcement is available on this webpage. This template contains all the necessary elements and uses color coding to differentiate between required and optional information.
Mandatory Elements – Each item below is fully explained in the Overview and General Sanction Information document and Template Meet Announcement:
The “sanctioned by” or “recognized by” statement (article 108.1.1A(1))
Meet date(s), name of facility
The appropriate course statement (one statement from article 108.1.1A(2))
The appropriate timing system statement (one statement from article 108.1.1A(3)(a)-(d))
Entry deadline, order of events published at least 1 week prior to entry deadline (article 102.5.7)
The entry limit (article 102.6.1, 102.6.4)
The competition start time (article 102.11.3)
Provision for continuous warm-up (article 102.4.1, 102.4.2)
Seeding method (article 102.10.1D)
If mandatory facilities standards cannot be met, the noncompliant statement per article 106.1.3, 202.1.1E(5)
If meet is prelims/finals, describe rules (article 102.5.5)
If there are positive check-in events, provide list and deadline(s) (article 102.8)
If two to a lane seeding will be used for freestyle events over 200m, state criteria (article 102.10.4A(1)(a))
If there are facility restrictions on cameras and video beyond USMS rules, provide that info (article 102.16.3)
If time trials are offered describe events and format (article 102.5.6)
Step 3: Entry Form
- Entry Form Definition: The meet entry form is separate from the meet announcement. For online entry, the information displayed on screen during entry is considered the entry form. For paper entry, the entry form is whatever document an entrant reads and fills out to enter the meet.
- Entry Form Requirements
- Entrants must provide their current USMS or World Aquatics member federation membership number (202.1.1E(6))
- All events offered at the meet shall be listed on the meet entry form at least one week prior to the meet entry deadline (102.5.7)
- USMS Waiver and Release of Liability Form: The entry form must contain the language of the USMS waiver and release of liability form as stated in USMS policy.
- The form is available in the Insurance section of the USMS Guide to Local Operations and on the Sanction Chairs page.
- All swimmers must sign the form either electronically or manually on the paper form.
- Additional information is available on the Sanction Chairs page: ‘Requirements for U.S. Masters Swimming Liability Release’
Step 4: Additional Sanctioning Considerations
- Where to Sanction – Applications for sanctions must be made to the LMSC within which the event is to be held, or in the case of open water sanctions, to the LMSC where the event originates (202.1, 202.2.1)
- How to Sanction – Sanction and recognition applications must be submitted online.
- Fees - Effective Jan. 1, 2025 pool and open water event sanction fees have been eliminated. Refer to the Sanction Fee Grid for more information. If applicable, contact the event director about any local fees associated with hosting a meet within your LMSC. USMS charges a recognition fee of $100 to the LMSC where the meet was recognized. The LMSC may choose to cover this fee or collect it from the meet host.
- Use of “Olympic” and “Paralympic.” No sanction of any event shall be granted with the word “Olympic” or the word “Paralympic” or any derivative thereof used in any manner in connection with said event unless consent is obtained from the USOPC (article 202.1.1, 202.2.1). Use of the Word “Olympic” and “Paralympic” with Masters Swim Meets memo.
Step 5: Verify Online Entry Protocols
Before approving a sanction for an event that will utilize online entry, the sanctions chair should verify the following:
- Waiver and Release of Liability:
- Online entry systems include the exact language of the USMS waiver and an affirmative method for indicating acceptance of the liability release (e.g., “I accept” button). It should be clear to the entrant that they are accepting the terms of the liability release.
- Online entry system operates such that the entrant may not proceed to completion of the entry without affirmatively clicking acceptance of the USMS waiver and release of liability form.
- Records that provide evidence of acceptance of the liability release must be maintained by the event director or sanction LMSC for at least the period of personal injury or wrongful death statute of limitations, whichever is longer, for the state in which the event takes place.
- Online entry system includes a method for determining, within reason, that the entrant is the person accepting the liability release.
- The system or the event director must verify that every entrant is a current USMS member.
Step 6: Pre Approval Sanction Checklist
This checklist covers some of the items that should be reviewed or verified when reviewing a sanction or recognition request. (See articles 102, 103, 105, 106, 108, and 202)
- Does the pool have an initial USMS measurement on file? If not, recommend that the pool be measured before the meet. (article 105.1.7A-105.1.7B)
- Does the competition pool meet the mandatory facilities standards? (article 106.1.3, 106.2-106.19) If not, note in the meet announcement that events conducted at the facility are noncompliant with mandatory standards and times will not count for USMS Top 10 rankings and records. (article 106.1.3, 202.1.1E(5))
- Does the course contain a bulkhead? If so, additional competition course measurements will be required before and after each day’s meet session. (article 105.1.7C)
- Does the event host understand the difference between sanctioned and recognized events? See Sanctioned, Recognized, or Dual Sanctioned, above)
- For a recognized event, have arrangements been made for a designated USMS observer to be present to verify in writing that the conduct of the event conforms to the relevant USMS rules and regulations? (USA meets are exempt from the observer requirement.) One version of the observer report can be found in the USMS Rulebook Appendix A. (article 108.2)
- Will the timing systems used satisfy the requirements for world or USMS records and/or or USMS Top 10 rankings? (article 103.18.5-103.18.7)\Will the order of events be published at least one week prior to the entry deadline? This is required. (article 102.5.7)
- Is the event host aware that events labeled “Choice” or “Open,” where any stroke is allowed, are not eligible for Top Ten or USMS records and cannot be included in a Top Ten submission? (See Additional Information, later in this document)
- Is the meet director aware that all information used to compile results and records (including results, timing printouts or tapes, timecards, heat sheets, timer’s heat sheets or swimmer lists) must be kept a minimum of two years after the conclusion of the meet? This includes electronic entry data storage. Some LMSCs require that meet hosts mail all meet paperwork to the LMSC Top 10 recorder for safekeeping and to provide documentation to follow up on any irregularities in the meet results. (Appendix A)
Step 7: Online Sanction Application Process
- Sanction Chairs:
- TUTORIAL for Sanctions Chairs includes:
- Reviewing required and any supplemental documents
- Approving a request
- Marking a meet as canceled
- Restoring a canceled event
- Online Sanction/Recognition Application
- TUTORIAL for Sanctions Chairs includes:
- Event Directors:
- TUTORIAL for Event Directors
- Worksheet for Event Directors
- Submit supplement documents for your application request
- TUTORIAL for Event Directors
Step 8: Required Meet Director and Meet Referee Notifications
Template Emails for Rule Book Articles: To assist sanction chairs with this task, boilerplate email texts are available for sending the information as links.
- Send the meet director the text of articles 102 and 103 and confirm receipt.
- Send the head referee of a pool meet:
- The text of articles 101 and 103; confirm receipt and their intention to brief the other officials.
- Send the two briefing documents (listed below) on the USMS Officials Meet Operations page; confirm receipt and their intention to brief other officials
- USMS Officials Briefing Technical Rules
- USMS Officials Briefing Differences with USA-S and Guidance on Officiating USMS Athletes
- Send the event director and head referee of USMS sanctioned open water events the text of articles 302 and 303; confirm receipt and their intention to brief other officials at the event.
Step 9: Helping the Meet Host
- If the facility requires an insurance certificate, advise the meet host to request it here.
- If the meet uses a bulkhead course, remind them to measure course before the meet and after each session.
- If swimmers not already in the meet are allowed to deck enter, remind the host to verify current USMS membership before allowing the swimmer to deck enter the meet.
- Remind the meet host to make a backup of the meet file right after the meet.
- Send links to forms for records, splits, etc.
Step 10: Post Meet Reporting
Remind Event Host to submit required reports and Meet Manager (or similar) export files:
- Results Report
- Send to participants and/or post on LMSC website.
- Results should be printed in publication order as specified in the rule book.
- See Preparation of Meet Results in Appendix A.
- In Meet Manager – select ‘Publication Order’ on the Splits/Sort Order/Selected Teams tab.
- Send results or export file to LMSC Top 10 recorder.
- Send to participants and/or post on LMSC website.
- If the pool was measured during the meet (bulkhead course) send pool measurement forms to Top 10 recorder.
- Records forms – see Running a Meet for link to forms.
- One-Event Membership (OEVT) spreadsheet sent to national office – OEVT info is here
- Requirements for U.S. Masters Swimming Liability Release
- Liability Release and Waiver Form (Updated 10/30/2024)
- Template Meet Announcement
- USMS online sanction or recognition application
- Meet Observer Report Form - This form is required for recognized meets
- Pool Length Form and Measurement Procedures
- Insurance Guidelines for Workouts and Sanctioned Events
- Incident Report Form (Report of Occurrence)
- Guidelines for Warm-Up and Warm-Down
- Application for USMS and/or World Record
- USMS Officials Briefing Technical Rules
- USMS Officials Briefing Differences with USA-S and Guidance on Officiating USMS Athletes
- Refer to the Running a Meet section for more meet management forms