The Rules Committee shall ensure that the competitive rules in Part 1 of the USMS rules and regulations provide for fair and equitable competition in the best interests of all USMS members. The committee shall ensure that the USMS members are informed of current rules, interpretation, and changes. The committee may initiate and shall receive, consider, and report proposed amendments, with the committee’s recommendations, in accordance with the provisions of Part 6. The Rules Committee has jurisdiction over proposed amendments to Part 1: Swimming Rules. The Rules Committee is also responsible for changes to the Glossary and other informational material required to clarify or explain provisions within its jurisdiction. When necessary, the committee shall interpret and render opinions regarding any provision within the committee’s jurisdiction. The committee shall consist of the committee chair and sufficient members to execute the committee function, with at least one member from each zone, not to exceed 16 additional members. The Legislation Committee chair, the Officials Committee chair, and the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations Committee chair shall be ex officio members of the committee.
Committee Members
Christina Fox —Vice Chair
David Benjamin
Kathrine Casey
John King
Claire Letendre
Susan Nolte
Jason Weis
Patrick Weiss
Kris Wingenroth
Ben Wyckoff
Rome Yount
Ex Officio: Mike Abegg, Stephanie Gauzens, Onshalee Promchitmart
Executive Committee: Julie Dussliere, Vice President of Administration
Committee Operating Guidelines
Written guidelines and procedures developed by USMS National Committees with the approval of the USMS Board of Directors for operating processes at the committee level.