The Records and Tabulation Committee shall establish and maintain standardized procedures to verify and record results of pool meets. This shall include maintaining the list of certified pool measurements and coordinating sanction, pool measurement, and event results databases. The committee shall maintain USMS records, All-American and All-Star rosters, and USMS Top 10 times for each course, and shall publish all of the above at least annually. The committee shall consist of the committee chair and sufficient members to execute the committee function.

Committee Meeting Minutes

Committee Chair

MJ Caswell [email]

Committee Members

Barbara Church
Cheryl Gettelfinger
Catherine Giarrusso
Walt Reid
Jeanne Seidler
Gerald Treiman
Ed Tsuzuki

Ex Officio: Onshalee Promchitmart, Mary Beth Windrath

Executive Committee: Julie Dussliere, Vice President of Administration 

Committee Operating Guidelines

Written guidelines and procedures developed by USMS National Committees with the approval of the USMS Board of Directors for operating processes at the committee level.