Test Your Knowledge
A little history plus fun with numbers
Question: What do the numbers 46, 108, 325 and 500 represent?
Answer: The number of swimmers in the first four Short Course National Championship meets.
Q: The first two SC Championships were in 1970 and 1971 in Amarillo, Tex. Where were the next two SC Championships held?
A: 1972 in San Mateo, Calif. 1973 in Santa Monica, Calif.
Q: What year and where was the first Long Course National Championship meet held?
A: 1972 in Bloomington, Ind. There were 188 swimmers.
Q: The largest SC Championship was 2328. Three other championships were over 2000. What were the locations for these four meets?
A: Largest: 2328, Stanford, Calif., 1987; 2nd largest: 2060, Santa Clara, Calif., 1999; 3rd largest: 2055, Santa Clara, 1993; 4th largest, 2048, Cupertino, Calif., 1996.
Q: The three largest SC Nationals outside of California (1994, 1995, 2003) were in what cities?
A: Tempe, Ariz., 1912 swimmers; Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1992 swimmers; Tempe, 1922 swimmers.
Q: Where was the largest Long Course Nationals held?
A: Baltimore, Md., in 2000, 1380 swimmers
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