Event Results

USMS Individual Meet Results for Gayle Z Marbury (6 swims)

Below are all recorded individual results attributed to Gayle Z Marbury.

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Short Course Yards Results [ SCM | LCM ]

 SCY Results for 65-69  Age Group
 Name  Date (MeetID)  Age  Club  Event  Heat/ 
 Time  Place 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-06-21 (20140621AlaGamY  65   MATT   50 Free   H2 / L2   35.45 *  1 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-04-12 (20140412RatsY  65   MATT   50 Free   H1 / L4   36.37   1 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-06-21 (20140621AlaGamY  65   MATT   100 Free   H1 / L4   1:22.04 *  1 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-06-21 (20140621AlaGamY  65   MATT   200 Free   H1 / L4   3:01.50 *  1 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-04-12 (20140412RatsY  65   MATT   200 Free   H1 / L5   3:04.67   1 
 Gayle Z Marbury   2014-04-12 (20140412RatsY  65   MATT   500 Free   H1 / L5   7:19.03   1 

Times shown in red are from an event that was either held in a pool with a moveable bulkhead and the pool length must be certified in order to have results count towards top ten listings or event rankings OR it was held in a pool that did not meet the pool measurement standards or not all sanction/recognition standards were followed. Results from the event will not count towards the top ten list or event rankings.