USMS Award Recipient

U.S. Masters Swimming Dorothy Donnelly Service Award


Recipient: Karlene Denby
Year: 2021
LMSC: Gulf

Karlene volunteered with the Gulf LMSC for nearly 30 years, and in many capacities. In 2016 she received the June Krauser Communication Award for her outstanding work as the editor of the LMSC newsletter, which she had prepared for nearly 10 years. Fast forward to 2021 and Karlene was still producing a great newsletter. In addition, she was serving her second term as the LMSC Secretary and was lauded for her timely and accurate minutes. And if that was not enough, she had taken on the position of Fitness Chair. In that capacity, she ran the LMSC’s “Swim University” fitness challenge, keeping stats and organizing the design and distribution of t-shirts to the participants. Karlene is a USMS certified coach and also volunteers as her club’s representative and official contact.